Bhagya Disha Astrology Center

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Bhagya Disha Astrology Center

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Pardeep Kumar ji is well known astrologer from Bangalore (India). He is providing vastu and astrology related services since 2001. Being an astrologer and vastu consultant, he regularly visits throughout india and solve people's problem by telling simple, effective and less expensive remedies. He has been awarded by "jyotish ratna, jyotish bhushan, jyotish prabhakar and jyotish gorav" by astrological societies. He also received " National Star Award " from mr. Manoj Tiwari (Member of Parliament) and many other eminent political presonalities in New Delhi on 18 June 2016 for his Astrology and Vastu Works. Pardeep Kumar ji has been giving lectures on astrology in various seminars and charitable societies also. Predictions of a person without birth data is his speciality. Analysing thumb impression to peep into future is another milestone in astrology by pardeep kumar. He has been a horoscope writer in foreign based magazine as well as an online astrologer for a radio station in Australia. He has thousands of satisfied clients in India and foreign as well. People of all faiths visit to pardeep ji for counselling and for astrological consultations.His motive is to make most accurate predictions to his clients and turn people's faith towards authentic vedic astrology.

Contact Information

Below Reliance Fresh, KHB Main Road
RT Nagar Post
Kaveri Nagar
Bengaluru, Karnataka
95907 19729
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