And what has your hairstyle got to do on your wedding day?

Wedding Hair Style IndiaA perfect hairstyle completes the perfect look without which sporting a Dior or an Armani would still make it a bad-hair day. And everyone one of us has always given enough time in our life standing in front of the mirror, trying to adjust those frills or those unsettling frizzy strands. And yes, we all have done this ever since our childhood. So, aren’t we having a scaled up attention given to this fashion statement of ours when it’s our D-Day? All those expensive gels and shampoos and conditioners, for what? So that we don’t look that odd-man-out even on a normal day! When it is that occasion where we have to be at our best – it does pay to listen to suggestions and tips rather than to rely on that same old stylist who has been doing what he wanted on to us, telling that this one always suited us the best than anything else. So get out of that stereotype everyday style and sport that once in a lifetime look for that once in a lifetime day. 

bridal hair style for wedding dayLook around with an eye for trends:

Pull up on the latest thriving fashion trends for different facial outlines and get a first-hand feel of what would suit you best. Pick your wardrobe before you select your hairdo. What you would be wearing on that special day is sure to be damn expensive, so finishing this first before selecting a hairstyle is ideal rather than the other way round, which could end up making you a disaster. Once your wardrobe is done and after you have chosen a few styles that you have preliminarily liked, consult on them. Friends, online interactives, other stylists and then freeze on to one which would go with the facial outline as similar to yours. Try it out on a day much prior to your occasion and check it out for yourself as to how it suits and keeps you comfortable. It is important if the style is lasting on you because it would make you a joke should you be correcting your hair once in every 5 minutes during the occasion. Doing this with your wardrobe and with a couple of more styles would also give you the picture if your choice has been the right one. 

Plan a perfect schedule:

Keep a tab on the total time that it has involved you – right from the to and fro travel time to the time for the hairstylist to the time it takes for you to change into your attire. Now keep that in mind while fixing your appointments on the special day so that rushing the stylist or you rushing can be avoided. At times this rush could spoil the hairdo as well. If it’s an attire that involves you to push through your head then be cautions enough to prep you before the hairdo. It would be more ideal if it’s a shirt or dress so that it could be worn after the hairdo and by this way both the wardrobe and the hairstyle remains unaffected. Do not get into any assumptions. It might make you a laughing stock if it turns out to be on the failure side. Do not make any additional changes or over doings at the last moment as it would only end up in spoiling the look and you may never see it resulting as to how it was during your trials. Be it the tendrils or bangs or curls or extensions or the highlights, all of them could be an addition to beautifying you only when at the right levels. So be very careful as to tell the stylist to stop or correct it the moment you feel even slightly uncomfortable about it so that you could always save the day and remain as the most memorable person during that most memorable day. And above all remember the attire and make the necessary changes. 

Prep up with add-on gears:

Even though you would have trialed before, be open to suggestions and have a consolidated decision on so that your attire and hairdo complement each other rather than making you look empty. If there is any wax, hair spray or clips involved in the hairdo remember to keep them by your side so that you could check at periodic intervals and keep your style intact. Also remember to keep them from drooling on your face making you look dark. So, to keep it less complicated, choose your attire, then select the hairstyle, do trials and choose one for yourself which makes you feel the best on that most important day in your life!!! 


January 24, 2016